Piney Grove United Methodist Church in Athens, Tennessee is hosting its first ever free music camp. I'm very excited about it. This is the first time that something like this has been offered. Participants will be introduced to some basic music skills in vocals and handbells. Basic percussion rhythms on the tambourine will also be introduced. The camp is from August 17-19, 2012.

Alexandria Crabtree is our director for the free music camp. She holds a B.A. in music from Berea College and is currently working toward a Master of Divinity Degree with a fine arts emphasis. Among other performances, her impressive background includes the Lincoln Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery and private services at Tennessee Veterans Cemetery.
It should be a great time to have fun and learn something new. Registration for the free music camp is limited. Participants should email to register. For lunch purposes, Piney Grove UMC is asking that registrations be turned in by Wednesday, August 15.