

Homeless man kicked out of McDonald's in South Carolina

This video of homeless man kicked out of McDonald's in South Carolina should make anyone's blood boil. Yossi Gallo was doing the right thing. He saw a homeless man by the McDonald's and decided to buy him lunch. What he got was no Happy Meal. The police arrived before the men even got their food - food bought and paid for by Yossi Gallo. Management decided the homeless man was trespassing and wanted him kicked out of the restaurant.

A meal given to a homeless person.
Copyright: Gayle Crabtree
In the video, you can see an officer politely explaining to the hungry customer that management felt like he was trespassing. You can also see that the homeless man was being kicked out of the McDonald's before he had hardly even unwrapped his food.

Yossi Gallo becomes understandably upset when he sees his act of kindness essentially stolen from the homeless man.  Then unbelievably, the manager decides that Yossi Gallo needs to go and refuses to give him a refund.

The homeless man is in tears by the end of the video. All he hoped for was something to eat. Can you imagine his anguish? Or that of Yossi Gallo who thought he was doing something nice for a guy who is down on his luck?

Copyright Gayle Crabtree
This makes me angry.

YouTube personality Rebel State Soverign was able to sit down for a few minutes to interview Mr. Gallo. You can hear his thoughts of what went down we he too, was kicked out of the McDonald's in South Carolina.

Before you watch the video consider this:

1:7 American's rely on food pantries for basic foods. (USA Today)
500,000 people in the U.S. were homeless in 2015 (Reuters)
23% of the homeless are veterans (U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs)
89% of homeless veterans received an honorable discharge (National Coalition for the Homeless)
63% of homeless women have experienced domestic violence (National Coalition for the Homeless)

Could you be arrested or fined for feeding the homeless?

25 States have at least one city where you can go to jail for giving food to a homeless person. (NPR)

Suggested reading:

What poor people really need in a food pantry box
My encounter with a homeless person at Chick-fil-A
Homeless man returns diamond ring : Lesson for us all