

"Not all those who wander are lost." 
J.R.R. Tolkien - Lord of the Rings

I'm turning "No, you can't" into "Yes, I can". My right foot stopped working right on New Year's Eve 2013. The doctor met me in the emergency room. I never dreamed that my life was about to change (again)! It turns out that I developed foot drop from a nerve in my back. It was beyond pinched. The nerve was permanently damaged. This meant emergency back surgery to help me regain use of my foot.

It took five months for my foot to relearn how to step. I ended up in a foot brace despite my best efforts. It keeps me from falling and lets me do whatever I want to do. The problem is that I have a slew of other health challenges. Epilepsy, diabetes, food allergies (and more) to deal with. But, that's pretty much the way life goes for everyone.

I've come to find out that a huge factor to dealing with my health challenges lies in dealing with everyone else. Well meaning friends have tried putting limitations on me. They encouraged me to stay home more, limit my adventures and live within boundaries - something I've never been good at.

Since then the wheels on my car (and later camper van) almost never stop rolling. In 2015, 2017 and 2019, I drove the Alaska Highway. I went to Mississippi, Florida, Washington, DC and Montana. Let me tell you, I had a lot more fun on those trips than I would have by staying at home! So, why listen to the naysayers?

This is my message to you.

The world will put all sorts of negative things into our head. Some of these messages are well intended while others are not. Ignore them. Go out and live the life you want. It's yours, not their's, to live. You do have to incorporate sound medical advice into your plans whether at home or not. Take that advice and then go!

Going may not mean travel. It might mean taking a new class, changing jobs or just doing something different. The possibilities are endless! You deserve to be satisfied with life.

I do too. That's why I didn't listen to the negativity and it's why you shouldn't either. If I can't turn "No, you can't" into "Yes, I can". You can too.

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