

How to find stolen photos and online articles

I have learned how to find stolen photos and online articles out of necessity.You may think that placing a photo of mine onto your blog or reposing an article is a compliment. It's not. Stolen work takes money out of my pocket that I need to pay bills. There are several sites that I use to find stolen photos and online articles.

My copyright policy makes it very plain. You can be billed when caught using my work. By posting my work without permission you are automatically agreeing to the copyright policy. Be smart. Don't use my photos or online articles without asking first.

Here are a few sites that I use to find stolen photos and online articles.

With you can easily find stolen photos and duplicate, derivative or modified photos. A simple browser plug-in lets me find pictures in a snap.

Google Images needs only a few clicks to locate images in any file format. It reaches into almost every corner of the web, works fast and can be done without a browser extension. Search results include images that are similar in color or style.

Who Stole My Pictures is one of my favorites. With it, I can find stolen photos with one click. It can search three different search engines, the extension is a quick download and is very easy to use. searches images in a few countries that don't speak English. Running the page through a translation program helps you decipher the search results.

How to find stolen articles

Copyscape is my favorite tool. The premium service charges a very reasonable fee. It sniffs out stolen articles even if the words are rearranged. You type a url or portion of text into a search box. Results include urls with highlighted portions of text.

With Google, you can search a few sentence of text to find stolen articles. It searches text, Adobe or Doc file appears. Easy controls help you request a DMCA takedown.

Plagium is similar to Copyscape. You can search by url or text. The system searches news articles, throughout the web and on social media sites.

Additional tools to find stolen photos and online articles can be found through any internet search. If you're thinking about using my work (or anyone else's) without permission, don't. Many writers and photographers will work with you if you ask ahead of time.

It's too easy to find stolen photos and articles online. "Forgetting" to ask is theft. Be smart. Don't do it.