

Lots of activities for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. In addition to the weekly Voices of Hope on Blog Talk Radio,  I'm going to be participating in lots of different activities. There is something coming up almost every week.

Stats from RAINN tell  us that in the U.S. someone will be sexually assaulted every 2 minutes. That makes it more important than ever to speak up in support of survivors. Take a look at my schedule to the  right of this post. (It's near the top.)

Sexual Assault Awareness Month gives  us the opportunity to speak out and make a difference. If you are going to be near one of the outreach events be sure to stop by. I'm always glad to say hello.

Hope for Healing.Org has displays on sexual assault that are available for loan. These are eye catching but not graphic. If you would like to have a display for your office or church we can arrange that. Just email and we'll make that happen.

I'll also be posting social media updates about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and you can too. If you aren't sure what to say that's all right. The Hope Blog has taken the guesswork out of it for us. Each week they will be posting a list of possible updates. You and I can either use these or create our own. I may do a little of both.

The most important thing is to do something to participate. Whether we do it online or through events we're still making a difference for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Survivors deserve to feel supported. These are little ways that we can help.

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