

Have you heard about teleclass training on domestic violence

The organization that I run is doing something new. Have you heard about the teleclass training on domestic violence? It's geared toward clergy and church workers who want to learn more about abuse but can't leave the office.

Classes begin in April and run for several weeks. At the end of the clergy teleclass on domestic violence each participant will get a certificate of completion. A manual is also included in the course fee. This is great for referring to later! Plus, this is the only way to get the pulpit helps, bulletin inserts and skit that come with the manual.

The manual can be received in .pdf form or by hard copy. For those who want both, the organization is going to make hard copies of the domestic violence training manual available at a reduced rate.

This is the same packet that was used at the Holston Conference Clergy Gathering in 2009. The information has been updated to bring you the most current information for 2011. This clergy training on domestic violence is the perfect time for a refresher course if you need one or to learn about domestic violence the first time.

Don't think of this course as "911" styled training. Hope for Healing.Org plainly states that this will help church workers minister more effectively to victims that are already within the congregation. The course will help clergy and church workers identify victims and their families.

I hope that  you sign up for the teleclass training. They're offering it at an introductory price of $35. Some scholarships are also available. Be sure to register soon.

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