

Teens and Domestic Violence workshop and adult involvement

I felt very privileged to lead two workshops yesterday on teen dating violence. Most all of the people who attended work with at-risk youth. It saddens me to think that so very many kids are becoming victims of abuse at such a young age. What's worse is that they learn to carry these patterns into adulthood.

Sometimes I sit back and wonder what parents are thinking by not being involved in the lives of kids today. Cell phones and text messaging is great but it shouldn't take the place of talking with good ole' mom and dad or another adult. When people take the time to become involved in healthy relationships with kids things can change.

At yesterday's trainings I witnessed glimpses of how these adults are trying to make life better for the kids they work with. Despite talking about teen dating violence there was plenty of positive energy in the room.

When I see things like this it gives me pause. One of the things that we discussed was healthy involvement between adults and kids. It is very encouraging to know that some adults are choosing to make a difference. I am encouraged that the next generation may well be the one that strives the most to combat teen dating violence.

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