

Today is a special day. The organization that I work with is hosting their annual blogathon. This happens annually on the last Saturday in August.

I hope everyone who reads this message will support them. Their work centers around education and providing support to survivors of sexual or domestic violence. The Hope for Healing.Org website receives anywhere from 500-600 page views and up per day.

They are asking that each participating blogger donate a minimum of $10 in donations or sponsorships. That's a small amount to ask for an organization that does so much.

They are an organization that both needs our help and deserves it. Every dollar counts. Giving as little as $2-$3 via Pay Pal will help. I'm sending my $10 donation in by Pal Pal to Will you do the same?

All proceeds from the sales of the book on the left will benefit Hope for Healing.Org. You might want to look at it as well.