

Vatican says ordaining women is equal to child sexual abuse

Vatican Rules: Ordaining Women Priests a Crime Like Sex Abuse of Children

The above article says that the Catholic church puts ordaining women on par with abusing a child. To me they seem to be doing more to stop the ordination of women that they are to stop child sexual abuse within their ranks. Ultimately they are devaluing women and children in the same breath. There seems to be a conflict in their belief system.

Catholic charities of all kinds are active worldwide. Programs like the ones in the U.S., Canada and many other countries serve the marginalized, the oppressed and the needy. Guess what? Many of the people who are helped are women and children.

Worldwide 1:3 women will be a victim of abuse in her lifetime. For men the number is 1:6. The Catholic Church has put itself into a box that it cannot escape. It really is as simple as asking if the church supports women and children or if it does not.

To me, the actions of many are louder than the words of a few. The many condemn child sexual abuse by priests and anyone else. They speak out against the abuse of women and provide services. Only a few do not.

Change comes slowly but it I believe it will happen. Christ lifted women up and gathered the children to him. Eventually, the voices of the many will drown out the voices of the few. Until then we must pray, work, wait and speak out loud enough that the few can no longer be heard above the many.

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